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Vain Dorthy Jane

“A great, fun book which kids are going to enjoy.”

Sue from The Bookbag has written a lovely review for the newest Ever So addition, Bossy Jonathan Fossy! “It’s a lovely story, written in rhyme, which fairly zips along as you wonder at Jonathan’s dreadful behaviour and then savour his suffering, on board, of all places, a pirate ship with some people who have a very long list of jobs which have to be done immediately, if not sooner. No… Read More »“A great, fun book which kids are going to enjoy.”

“A combination of colourful, quirky characters, bold illustrations and addictive, sing-along rhyming verse.”

At Maverick, some of our characters are too big for just one book and the biggest and boldest characters of all are, of course, the bizarre citizens of Hamilton Shady. Julie Fulton‘s Ever So series, featuring some of Hamilton Shady’s slightly flawed characters, has become an everlasting favourite. So with the fifth book due for release, we decided to give the whole series a bit of a lift, with brand… Read More »“A combination of colourful, quirky characters, bold illustrations and addictive, sing-along rhyming verse.”