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“A totally crazy, creative, fun and wildly imaginative story.” Review for Aerodynamics of Biscuits

Cheryl and Pierre are have been reading Aerodynamics of Biscuits by Clare Helen Welsh and Sophia Touliatou and have written a lovely review for the biscuit-y book!

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“[Aerodynamics of Biscuits]  introduces other complicated vocabulary, using the context or a string of synonyms to make it accessible to young children […] It’s great to have a book with a young target audience that isn’t overly dumbed down.
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It’s a totally crazy, creative, fun and wildly imaginative story that sweeps you along, taking great delight in the text and also the brightly coloured illustrations by Sophia Touliatou. We usually make a gingerbread house for Christmas but maybe this year, we should try a gingerbread rocket instead!”
Read the full review here.
Buy Aerodynamics of Biscuits here.