Looking for a great reading scheme is challenging, whether buying for the classroom or wanting books which will help your little ones at home, you’ll need the perfect set of books which have the right balance of illustrations, simplicity but also fun, engaging stories. This is where the Maverick Guided Reading Scheme fits!
Our full scheme showcases nothing but entertaining, sometimes wacky stories which are sectioned into colour bands. We use colour bands instead of strict levels for the confidence of readers, no matter what KS they are in, children will enjoy reading their way through every colour.
Fancy trying the scheme? Our Pink (level 1) and Red (level 2) bands are where to start;
Our Pink and Red readers are designed to ease children into their independent reading journey, as many find reading quite ‘new’ and stressful, the story lines are kept fun, humorous and familiar.
There are approximately 30-50 words per story in our Pink readers with two stories per book. Our Red band then increases to 60-90 words, still with two stories per book. These early bands have an information page before the start of each story, which contains a guide to writing the featured letter and a list of high frequency words.
You can read more about how the scheme is set up and works over on our dedicated Early Reader website.
Try our books for yourselves! You can purchase all our titles at Hive.co.uk, or from an educational specialist.