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Slug Love Blog Tour: Day 1

It’s the first day of the Slug Love Blog Tour and Emily from Booksb4bedtime has written a wonderful review of the upcoming picture book. Here’s what she had to say:

In ‘Slug Love’ by Cath Jones and Craig Shuttlewood @craigshuttlewood we meet Slug whose sole wish it is to become friends with the Gardener, but as Spider says:

“NO-O-O-O!” shrieked Spider.
“Gardeners HATE slugs!”

On the very first spread the gardener is there with her ‘how to get rid of slugs manual’ as well as the bag of Slug Gone. However, Slug is determined to be her friend. He sets off to send her a message by ‘chomping’ heart shapes in her plants, the result, she puts him in the compost bin. What slug wouldn’t want to be amongst compost and with friends? Poor old Slug thinks this is a thank you for his tidying of her greenhouse. The gardener tries everything to rid her garden of Slug; she flicks him off her foot sending him through the air – much to his delight, she also puts him down the drainpipe where he whooshes along the guttering. Finally, it dawns on Slug when he sees the “BUCKET OF DOOM” that perhaps he has misinterpreted the signs. However, when the garden is lit up by the moon and the slugs trail glisten all over the garden the gardener is in awe of the beauty and takes Slug out of the bucket, from then on, the two are firm friends and the gardener even grows plants for Slug.

This is such a delightful book which cleverly relays important messages in a subtle way. I admit that slugs aren’t my favourite and I always despair when I see them making holes in our plants…however, the story shows that everyone deserves a friend, even a slimy slug! The gardener was quick to judge Slug but then realised how he could create a thing of beauty which brought joy. Of course, a hugely important part is that the protagonist is in a wheelchair which I don’t think I have come across before. It is an important for children to see, both those who are able bodied and those who are not. The diverse representation is a pivotal part to the book. The illustrations style is brilliant and adds so much humour to the story. A lovely story of friendship and not making immediate judgements. Five stars from my two.

Thanks Emily!

Slug Love is now available to order from Hive: