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Launch Event for Tabitha Posy and Childe of Hale

Last Friday was the launch of two of our new children’s books that took place at Covent Gardens.

The first was ‘The Cautionary Tale of the Childe of Hale, which is Rachel Lyon’s debut book, illustrated by Vanina Starkoff.   The second book was ‘Tabitha Posy was ever so nosy‘ by Julie Fulton, which is the second book in the Ever So series, with a third coming out in the Autumn – all three are illustrated by the top Polish illustrator Jona Jung.  Jona and Vanina were unable to make it to the launch (Vanina is in Argentinia and Jona, Poland), however Marcin Milancej, Jona’s agent made it to the launch and was presented with her new book.

The event was a huge success with a lovely mix of people.  Thank you to everyone who made it along.