Maverick Arts Publishing Ltd was launched in 2009 by Steve Bicknell and has been gaining momentum over the last few years.
Maverick has over 400 titles across the formats of picture books, early readers, graphic reluctant readers, junior fiction and middle grade. We believe that, with everyone leading such busy lifestyles, it is important for children to spend time with adults sharing and engaging over books.
At Maverick we have a strong ethos of championing new authors and emerging illustrators, with a big emphasis on supporting them once their book is published. If you would like to submit your own stories to Maverick, then please visit our submissions page.
- Meet the Team -

Steve BicknellManaging Director
Steve is the founder of Maverick. After many years being the driving force behind Maverick, he now just keeps an eye on the business, whilst working as a sculptor.

Karen BicknellFinance Director
Karen keeps on top of the business finances and plays an important role in decision-making within the company.

Tessie Sangha Designer
Tessie works with Aimee on our new products. She also handles the design work at Maverick and is the voice behind Maverick's social media.

Kimara Nye Managing Editor
Kim has been with Maverick since the beginning. She looks after the day to day running of the Maverick, managing the team. She also still delves into the editorial side of the business.

India Faux Editor
India works primarily on the early readers, often juggling working on many books at once. She not only works on the editorial side of the readers but also does the layouts and design.
- Meet the Maverick Mutts -

Mocha Kim's Maverick Mutt
Mocha is a collie x poodle. She is in the office full-time and is tennis ball mad! She often does rounds of the office, trying to persuade someone to play with her.

Poppy & Twix Part-time Maverick Mutts
Poppy is Steve and Karen's dog. She is a rescue from Ireland and has a distinct dislike of anyone in a florescent jacket. Twix is Kim's family dog and is very much 'Miss Perfect'.

Cookie Kim's Maverick Mutt
Cookie is the newest pup on the block and is another collie x poodle - though no one told her she was half poodle! Cookie has settled into office life and loves to chill out whilst everyone else is busy working.