Picture Book submissions are CLOSED.
We would like to apologise for the time it is taking to get back to everyone. We are hoping to reply to EVERYONE by the end of April 2025. If you have not heard from us by then, please feel free to contact us.
How to Submit
To help you with the submissions process, we have put some guidelines for your submission. Please read through carefully before sending us your submission. Anything that is vastly different to the guidelines will not be read.
– Please do not email or call us asking if your 700, 869, 1003 words text will be considered. We will always look at everything that is sent to us, but those above the word count have less chance than a book that is below it. Also keep in mind if we did accept a text above the word count then it would have to be edited down to below 650 for the published version. Our preferred word count is between 200 -350 words.
– Manuscripts must be submitted either as a PDF or in a Word/Rich Text document. We will not read submissions that are on external links/websites or on a dropbox.
– Double line spacing, typed in a legible font, text running from one page to another (i.e. not one sentence/stanza per page). WRITING EVERYTHING IN CAPS IS NOT FRIENDLY!
– We accept stories written in rhyme or prose, but not poetry. If you don’t think rhyming is your strength then write in prose – we receive far more rhyme than prose, but ideally want to publish more prose than rhyme!
– File size no bigger than 5mb.
– Pssst… so that we know you have actually read this, please quote the word ‘biscuits’ in your cover letter 😉
– Please refrain from including illustrations with your manuscript unless you are an author/illustrator. If this is the case, then please let us know whether you are happy for only the text to be used. It is a common misconception that a submission has to include illustrations – it is our job as a publisher to find an illustrator for a text, so we actually prefer not to see any illustrations (again, unless you are an illustrator!).
– In the subject heading of your email please include your name and the title of the text.
– We only accept submissions by email. Postal submissions will not be considered.
N.b. Hurrah! We do accept unsolicited manuscripts!
– We are looking for something a little bit quirky – we are called Maverick!
– We publish children’s picture story books, so please make sure that your text is a story.
– A short cover letter with some information about yourself eg. location, job and whether you are already published.
– Your name on the email (you would be amazed how many people forget to put a name!).
– It looks better if you send your own submission, unless it is being sent on your behalf by an agent.
– Please no more coronavirus-related submissions!!
N.b. At Maverick, we are looking for proactive authors, who want to go out and do events etc. It is also important for us that you write lots and really, really, really want to be an author.
We are currently working our way through the 2022 submissions. If you have submitted then we hope to get back to you as soon as possible.
Submission Queries (Do not use this form for submissions)
Please use the below form in enquire about submissions. Please only enquire if you have not heard from us after 12 months.
Please do not use this form to find out whether your submission is suitable, or ask when submissions will reopen, or to try and skip the queue/closure! Hopefully all of the above guidelines will help to make sure that your submission is suitable for Maverick.