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Get Ahead Fred Wins a Gold Award on Bizziebaby!

Bizzie Baby Gold Award

Bizziebabyis a website designed intentionally for mums and dads looking for in-depth product reviews online.  A Gold Award is given when three seperate reviewers decide that a book is a top quality product and one that parents must have for their children.  They must all give the book 5/5!

Daisy Dawes’  ‘Get Ahead Fred’ is one of these products!  Below are some select quotes from the three reviews:

Get Ahead Fred“Excellent book, superb quality and good value for money.  Would purchase and definitely will be recommending. An excellent book that Joshua enjoys listening to and enjoys looking at the pictures.” – Sheila Millis 5/5

“Kai enjoyed reading the book with mummy so much so that he asked me to read it to him every night. Kai loved the story about Fred and his many hats his favourite part is where the queen say’s off with his head!” – Maria Norvasia 5/5

“I would read this book to Naomi every day and she never tired of the story.  A superb book with fantastic illustrations and the story captivated Naomi.” – Carissa Taylor 5/5

 You can buy this award winning book on Amazon and in all good bookshops